Should I Lie To You?

A dicussion of moral code in Marketing and Society. The example was selling your own car, to another person.

Do you lie about the condition of the car? The slightly dodgy breaks? The windscreen wiper that freestyles whether to move if it rains?

Or do you tell the truth and risk loosing the sale?

Do you take the same approach to your personal life as you do to your work life? Would you lie to get a client?

Short post, lots to think about.

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First signs of life

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.”…Buddha

Keeping a plant in the house is said to improve your mood, we as a race are meant to see greenery and not spend all our time looking at concrete.

At present I take care of 2 chilli plants, one which seems to take over every pot I move it into. The other takes a slower approach to growth and produces much larger chillies.

After 2 good crops last summer, I dried out a few chillies to plant out to increase the chilli plant numbers. These precious seeds have been put into a propagator, with some strawberry and aubergine seeds (from a packet).

It’s been just under a week since the seeds were planted and it is possible to see some growth already.

Last march I planted some sweetcorn for a celebration of coursework ending but still being in the house. Without thinking through the size that the corn would grow too I kept the plants on my desk until I went home.

By May they had all grown 1 ft tall and were replanted into much larger pots. By August they were at least 4-5 ft tall and starting to produce cobs. The experience of watching these plants develop from tiny seeds to 5 ft high plants was amazing.

Sometimes all it takes is a seed, to help get a new perspective
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Maintaining focus on something you enjoy is good fun, a hobby or a great book or an interesting film. You focus on it because it makes you feel good.

Keeping focused on something that isn’t as enjoyable, can be difficult. Distractions suddenly appear. Especially if you are working a computer. The internet is just a click away, not mention games and music that can be a nice reward as a “quick 5 minute break” which then turns into a few hours.

Getting a plan together of where all the tasks lead to helps. Seeing a bigger picture can help encourage you to work harder and keep focused.

Currently my job hunt is my main focus, but I am in my final semester of university so there are deadlines I need to work on and with the final details of The Pitch set. There is a lot to be done and time flies.

On that note, I’ll get back to my coursework and take a break from the internet

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Working alone vs Working with others

A new semester starts tomorrow, with new lectures and subjects to study. This has given me a chance to reflect upon last semesters lessons, not only the academic ones!

Throughout my studies from primary school until now, I have learnt there are some subjects I can get to grips with and others that I just haven’t fully understood. Which has sometimes been my fault for lack of interest and at other points it has been the chosen teaching method for the subject. University was always going to be different, although I presumed that most students would have a positive attitude towards the subjects they’d chosen.

For any job being able to work as part of a team is important, there will be some point that you have to work with someone else. I learnt that whilst preparing for The CIM Pitch whilst I was on one set of timetables and deadlines my team mates were on a completely different schedule. This enabled me to learn about joint priorities do need to be negotiated and as long as all are dedicated towards the final goal things do work out well.

Time management with deadlines was good, especially with subjects I was struggling with I dedicated more time to researching around the subject to get a full understanding of it outside of lectures. With any coursework that needed to be done I doubled the amount of time I gave to the assignment so that there was no sudden panic with not understanding a phrase in the brief.

Working with others, I have been surprised this year about how after 2 1/2 years some students still are selfish when it comes to group projects. Only wanting to take part if they are interested enough to put effort in. I would be shocked to see that attitude in the workplace but I know that if a team member is letting others down it is key to try encourage and pick up the slack to ensure that the project is finished to the best of everybody’s ability.

I’m looking forward to the new subjects and new people to work with, fingers crossed there will be even more things to learn and understand.

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Rules of Food

Is a egg and bacon sandwich only for breakfast? Should a curry only be eaten at night? Is a cheese sandwich not allowed before 11 am?

I know many people who have very particular rules when it comes to food, although breaking down these rules and trying new foods can create a whole new area of change without huge expense.

This weeks trial of vegetarian food has enabled me to learn more about taste, the meat substitutes when flavoured and cooked within a main meal. Taste no different to meat. I wouldn’t choose to eat a quorn chicken piece sandwich instead of a roast chicken sandwich. But for a curry there is very little difference.

Breaking the rules I have set has been interesting, I always have ham sandwiches with soup. So trialling soup without the sandwich, although a minor change in the scheme of things. It does make a difference to what tastes you expect.

For a celebration meal to mix tasty vegetarian with a pulled bbq pork will be a nice way to experiment and get back to a meat meal. Working through some recipe books has helped create new sauces and combine recipes to figure out what tastes good as a new creation and what doesn’t work!

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A Taste of Quorn

As part of a positive change to my diet and a target to try new foods to help improve my overall health. This week is full of vegetarian meals to increase my intake of vegetables and to try new dishes.

Last nights meal was a Quorn Vindaloo, which was extremely tasty. Even though I did end up adding a lot of yoghurt to try cool it down! Homegrown chillies certainly packed a punch that’s for sure.

The texture of the Quorn itself didnt seem much different to chicken when cooked in a curry and there was no particular taste. I’d highly recommend as an alternative, especially if money is tight.

Cooking from frozen was easy as well, no chopping involved just submerge in sauce for 10-15 minutes then all done.

I’m looking forward to the next quron dish to see if the results are as good if not better.

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Lie Down, Please?

As some of my readers will know I am the owner of a 4 year old rescue dog from Preston RSPCA.

This pup is a big part of my life, making sure he is happy is key to keeping him healthy. Although with any new addition to the house, new rules have to be created as well as new situations to be dealt with.

At current we are learning some commands this has been a big learning curve for both me and the dog. I’d love to teach him to roll over, at the moment lie down is proving to be a bit of a challenge but through persistence he id starting to understand.

The tricks are not only a chance to make sure pup is well-behaved but a chance to interact without pampering. It’s enjoyable for both myself and pup, giving chance to develop in the house and catch up on the time he hasn’t been here.

Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks?

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It’s All About, the About me

160 Characters on twitter, as many words as you can type on a blog entry, your time line on facebook and an online lifetime of searches.

How much can a potential employeer find out about you online? and How much of it do you actually control?

I’m re-writing a lot of my info, I’ve taken control of what is displayed online and what can be found. Not that I’m afraid of what could be found, just it’s better to know what is out there than to be suprised by what is.

What 3 words can best describe a personality for workplace, home life and future aims? At the moment all I have is All About Me, on many platforms.

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Veggie Meals : Trial of getting more than my 5 a day

Food is a HUGE part of my spending, I am always eager to try new recipes. Although eating a completely vegetarian meal has normally been avoided. For 5 nights this week myself, my friend jack and @Russell_France will be trying some new recipes using lots of veg, occasionally quorn and some soya products too.

Last nights dinner was a lasagne made from scratch (except the lasagne sheets). Which provided huge portions and more than the 5 a day in one serving.

Today’s evening meal is Lentil and Spinach soup with tiger bread. Recipes like this are simple and tasty. For me the key thing for any diet change is to make sure it’s interesting and tasty.

Some of the meals might not be the healthiest in the world but it’s about balance not denying yourself food you like. After a few nights of vegetarian meals it will be interesting to see the difference to my energy levels and how hungry I feel after these meals.

If there are any recipes you’d recommend to try that are tasty, please leave a link or the recipe itself in a comment below

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Pictures speak a thousand words and a million memories

It’s important to celebrate with others, even if it’s just the celebration of a new set of plates or glasses. For bigger events such as birthdays, anniversaries and job/education its great to be there to support them.

After downloading over 100 pictures of a recent 21st birthday, it’s brilliant to capture a smile and a moment with great friends.

Reflecting upon older events, it still amazes me how much has changed in a few months let alone in a few years.

What is your favourite picture?

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