Home is where the plants are

The window sill next to the computer has 6 varieties of chilli plant sat on it, the concrete garden has mint, sweetcorn, aubergine, greek basil and courgettes growing. Upstairs are a few other varieties of chilli and the wire frame notice board has enough seeds to make those living the good life jealous.

The green house that is currently home is full of life and energy, the plants help me focus on what is important. Light, air and nutrition. They give opportunity to focus and relax whilst still being alive.

That is all for now


First signs of life

“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly our whole life would change.”…Buddha

Keeping a plant in the house is said to improve your mood, we as a race are meant to see greenery and not spend all our time looking at concrete.

At present I take care of 2 chilli plants, one which seems to take over every pot I move it into. The other takes a slower approach to growth and produces much larger chillies.

After 2 good crops last summer, I dried out a few chillies to plant out to increase the chilli plant numbers. These precious seeds have been put into a propagator, with some strawberry and aubergine seeds (from a packet).

It’s been just under a week since the seeds were planted and it is possible to see some growth already.

Last march I planted some sweetcorn for a celebration of coursework ending but still being in the house. Without thinking through the size that the corn would grow too I kept the plants on my desk until I went home.

By May they had all grown 1 ft tall and were replanted into much larger pots. By August they were at least 4-5 ft tall and starting to produce cobs. The experience of watching these plants develop from tiny seeds to 5 ft high plants was amazing.

Sometimes all it takes is a seed, to help get a new perspective
That’s All For Now