Employees or Family

The way a company treats it’s staff can greatly vary from manager to manager. This can be seen in the way the staff behave, the way the business presents itself as well as what others think of the business.

When a customer or client speaks to a member of staff, any member of staff, the customer can gauge the mood of that individual. If a staff member finds their job enjoyable, no matter which side of the bed they woke up on they will represent the company in a positive light. If the member of staff feels undervalued or badly treated they wont make the effort to impress the customer or client. It’s not a case of being nice just to get your staff to behave, if you treat your staff with respect they will respect you as well.

Other advantages to being on good terms with your staff, are an understanding of what works and doesn’t work in the office, honesty of what is happening in your staff’s lives so if they plan to move or leave due to personal commitments its not a sudden change, by understanding what effects your employees you can ensure your staff produce their best work and this will lead to customers having a good experience and telling others.

So what if you don’t have the time to know your staff, or you don’t care about your staff being happy at work. This tends to lead to a cold environment which reflects in the way staff treat customers. The approach of caring about the staff does not mean you are a doormat, you can still be strict and still be boss not a friend.

That’s All For Now