Rules of Food

Is a egg and bacon sandwich only for breakfast? Should a curry only be eaten at night? Is a cheese sandwich not allowed before 11 am?

I know many people who have very particular rules when it comes to food, although breaking down these rules and trying new foods can create a whole new area of change without huge expense.

This weeks trial of vegetarian food has enabled me to learn more about taste, the meat substitutes when flavoured and cooked within a main meal. Taste no different to meat. I wouldn’t choose to eat a quorn chicken piece sandwich instead of a roast chicken sandwich. But for a curry there is very little difference.

Breaking the rules I have set has been interesting, I always have ham sandwiches with soup. So trialling soup without the sandwich, although a minor change in the scheme of things. It does make a difference to what tastes you expect.

For a celebration meal to mix tasty vegetarian with a pulled bbq pork will be a nice way to experiment and get back to a meat meal. Working through some recipe books has helped create new sauces and combine recipes to figure out what tastes good as a new creation and what doesn’t work!

That’s All For Now