It’s All About, the About me

160 Characters on twitter, as many words as you can type on a blog entry, your time line on facebook and an online lifetime of searches.

How much can a potential employeer find out about you online? and How much of it do you actually control?

I’m re-writing a lot of my info, I’ve taken control of what is displayed online and what can be found. Not that I’m afraid of what could be found, just it’s better to know what is out there than to be suprised by what is.

What 3 words can best describe a personality for workplace, home life and future aims? At the moment all I have is All About Me, on many platforms.

That’s All For Now

Veggie Meals : Trial of getting more than my 5 a day

Food is a HUGE part of my spending, I am always eager to try new recipes. Although eating a completely vegetarian meal has normally been avoided. For 5 nights this week myself, my friend jack and @Russell_France will be trying some new recipes using lots of veg, occasionally quorn and some soya products too.

Last nights dinner was a lasagne made from scratch (except the lasagne sheets). Which provided huge portions and more than the 5 a day in one serving.

Today’s evening meal is Lentil and Spinach soup with tiger bread. Recipes like this are simple and tasty. For me the key thing for any diet change is to make sure it’s interesting and tasty.

Some of the meals might not be the healthiest in the world but it’s about balance not denying yourself food you like. After a few nights of vegetarian meals it will be interesting to see the difference to my energy levels and how hungry I feel after these meals.

If there are any recipes you’d recommend to try that are tasty, please leave a link or the recipe itself in a comment below

That’s All For Now