Counting Crows

I’ve been trying to prepare for an event that I will be taking photos at, costing out how much to charge for cd’s and prints has been a dilemma for me. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t charging too much or under charging for the amount of time I would be spending at the venue.

For example if I charge £2 a picture and only 10 people buy pictures out of a crowd of 30 then I will have spent 5 hours taking pictures for £20 making my hourly rate £4 an hour. If I charge £5 a picture and 50 people buy pictures out of 200 then I have been working at £50 an hour. Now I know which rate I would rather work for!

As long as the image is worth the money being asked then I believe the photographer is being paid fairly. It is only when the picture isn’t worth the money asked then the photographer is being overpaid and their ego being fed rather than their bills being taken care of.

That’s All For Now

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