Investing in the future

Lately I’ve been pondering what kind of job I will go into after university.

A) A graduate scheme – a big company that may not recognise my skills or talent as an individual

B) A graduate job within my field – being thrown in at the middle section of the pool

C) A job within my field open to those with experience in a certain role

D) A full time job of some kind

E) Trying out freelance work or Temporary roles

When I was younger I believed that getting a job was as simple as applying, through a few years of interviews and being informed I wasn’t suitable for the role. My view has changed to the fact you have to fit the job role, show confidence in the interview and impress on your cv.

For me, all the options above are possibility and with 5 months until I officially graduate, 3 until I finish lectures. The need for a job is approaching faster than I ever thought.

For investing in freelance work I have been studying HTML coding and attempting to enhance my skills in graphic design, I have also been looking to invest in new photographic equipment (e.g stands, rolls, lenses and much more).

What have you done to invest in your future? Any advice on what is the best route to take to enhance chances of being employed?

That’s All For Now